Schools of Sanctuary
At Georgeham CofE Primary, we help our students, staff, and wider community understand what it means to seek sanctuary. We extend a warm welcome to everyone as equal, valued members of our school community. Georgeham CofE Primary is proud to be a place of safety and inclusion for all.
We have recently signed the Schools of Sanctuary Charter and are currently completing our application while working closely with the Pickwell Foundation. We support the ‘Schools of Sanctuary’ vision that the UK will be a welcoming place of safety for all and are proud to offer sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution.
We endorse the Schools of Sanctuary Charter and agree to act in accordance with its values, applying the network principles within our work as far as our specific context enables us to. We recognise the contribution of refugees and people seeking sanctuary to British society. Sanctuary seekers are welcomed, included, and supported within our school community.
Recently, our children completed a piece of learning which was displayed at the Barnstaple Pannier Market as a part of Refugee Week.