Georgeham CofE Primary School

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Ventrus MAT


Everything You Need to Know About Our School…

Welcome to the parent section of the website.  Here you will find all the information that you need to help you understand our school and how we work whether you are a prospective parent making the all important decision about where your child or parents of children attending the school seeking further information about practical matters from school uniform to after school clubs, school dinners and our key policies.  Don’t forget to check out the Learning and Resources pages for Class and Curriculum information!

For prospective parents 

Choosing a school for your child is one of hte most important decisions you will make.  To help you get to know our school we’ve included links to our , our most recent Ofsted report and performance data from the Department of Education as well as details about how to apply for a school place for your child.

For parent’s of children about to start at our school

We’ve put together a handful of pages with useful information about important matters like school uniform, the school day, travelling to school, how school dinners work and information about our before and after school clubs.  These include information about how to apply for free school meals.

For parents of children in any year group

Check out information about after school clubs including recreational clubs as well as details about our wrap around care provided through Georgeham Jumpers.  You can also find copies of our key policies, information about safeguarding including contact details for external agencies, e-safety guidance and information about the government’s Prevent Strategy to combat radicalisation in schools.  You will also find details about how to make a complaint should you need to raise concerns about the school.

Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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