Georgeham CofE Primary School

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Ventrus MAT

School Meals

Everything You Need to Know About Healthy Eating at School!

menus Spring term 2025

On this page you can find everything you need to know about how we approach eating in school including information about school dinners, healthy packed lunches and free school meals (including how to apply).  We hope this answers all your questions but please do not hesitate to pop in and see us if you have any concerns at all – eating at school can be a daunting prospect for many children and we want to make it a pleasurable and healthy experience for all.  Jayne Carter, our Catering Manager, or the head teacher will be happy to answer any specific questions that you have.  A copy of the termly School Menu will always be posted on this page – please do talk to your child in the morning about the menu choices that day.  This really helps us in the mornings!

School Dinners

All meals are cooked on site by our Catering Manager, Jayne.    Our school dinner menu follows strict nutritional guidelines led by Ventrus (and Government guidelines) and our aim is to encourage all children to enjoy eating healthy food by offering a range of choices including a daily salad bar with 6 options and fruit as well as a range of vegetable side dishes.  Our puddings use lower sugar recipes and we often add hidden vegetables to our meals to ensure that children eat a varied diet and do not miss out on nutritional content because they do not like the vegetables served as side dishes.

We want our children to enjoy their mealtime experience.  We encourage them to try different foods and eat a balanced meal, however we do not operate a policy of forcing children to finish meals as we believe that can lead to a lifelong dislike of eating specific types of food.

We provide free school dinners for all children in Key stage 1 (which is Reception, Year 1 and 2).  Once children move into Classes 3 and 4 school dinners are available for just £2.60 per day.   Our three-week menu follows government nutritional standards and changes termly.  We offer three or four healthy options each day including a main meal, a vegetarian option, a jacket potato or a filled roll and salad from the salad bar.

Children select their lunch choices at morning registration.  Please talk about their choice before, or on the way to, school so that they remember what they like (and want) each day, otherwise the process can take a big chunk out of our learning time.

We are used to catering for children with a wide range of allergies – we will need written notification when your child commences school or is first diagnosed with an allergy so we can be sure to cater appropriately.  The information will be recorded on the student profile until you provide written confirmation of any change.

We ask that you respect our NUT-FREE school status if providing a packed lunch

Packed Lunches in Key Stage 2 (Classes 3 and 4)

Children may bring in packed lunches for lunch time.  We ask that you consider healthy eating when making lunch choices.  Healthy snacks are allowed but please no chocolate, fizzy drinks, heavily salted snacks, or sweets.  We also ask you to consider the environmental impact of pre-packed products.

Children in Key Stage 1 (Classes 1 and 2) are provided with a free school meal each day. There is a a hot and cold option (roll and salad).  We encourage all families to utilise the school meals however appreciate that some children may wish to bring in their own packed lunch.

School Trips

Pupil Premium children will be provided with a packed lunch when they are away on school trips.  These lunches are prepared in line with the same nutritional guidelines as our daily school dinners.  Otherwise parents will be advised, on the school trip letter, that a packed lunch and water are required for any offsite trips or sporting events that require it.

Playtime Snacks

Through a government scheme, children in Class 1 and 2 are provided with a piece of fresh fruit or veg every day. We encourage children in Classes 3 and 4 to bring healthy snacks for their playtime considered to be a piece of fruit or veg like the younger children, and not biscuits, sweets or crisps.

Drinking Water

Children are encouraged to bring a bottle of water to school and to drink through the school day.  They should be brought home daily for a clean and re-fill.  We don’t allow juices, squash or flavoured water in the drinking bottles according to advice given by the School Nurse team. They aren’t good for the teeth and we’ve found that children also end up having mouldy bottles where they’ve left them for too long!  The water in the classrooms is safe to drink.

Rewards and Treats

We don’t use food as incentives or rewards and we ask that children do not come into school with sweets or treats on their birthday or as part of school trips. We believe that the school menus provide a sufficiently rounded meal for all children and we do not wish to promote excessive sugar consumption in the classroom.

Free School Meals FUNDING

Free school meal funding is available to some families.  Schools receive extra funding for children that meet the criteria for free school meals, and you also get a free meal for your child.   Along with many schools, we have seen a drop in applications for free school meals since the introduction in September 2014 of universal free meals (the free dinners in Class 1 and 2) for children in Key Stage 1.  Please consider applying for free school meals if you think you are eligible, as the funding can make a real difference to families and schools.

How do I qualify for Free School Meals?

Free school meals are available to pupils in receipt of, or whose parents are in receipt of, one or more of the following benefits:

  • Universal Credit (provided they have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of their most recent assessment periods)
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guarantee element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided they’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.

You can call 0845 155 1019 for information and advice about Free School Meals.

Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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