Our Governors
Our Board of Governors
Your school governors are members of the local community and include parents of pupils at the school. Parent governors are elected by parents and co-opted governors are appointed through the Local Governing Body (LGB). The LGB works with the Head teacher, School Leadership team and staff to ensure that together we achieve the common aim of providing the best possible education and welfare for all our pupils in a safe and happy environment. In order to fulfil this role, we work hard to gain as full an understanding as possible of the varied aspects of school life, by attending governor meetings, focused school visits as well as attending many school events.
Governors are all volunteers who willingly give their time to work together promoting high standards through support and challenge to the Headteacher. The LGB operates in legal terms as a Committee of the Board of Ventrus Multi Academy Trust and receives its delegated powers from Ventrus.
We currently have vacancies for the Board of Governors. If you, or a family member, are interested and want to know more, please see our chair (Matthew Woodeson) or visit/ring the school office for more information.
Our Governors
Matthew Woodeson
Kevin Fry
Tom Rossitter
Emma Greenwood
Jenny Copp
Lucy Wright
Tom Rossitter
Co-Opted Governor:
Peter Griffiths
Community Governor:
Christina Gorinksky
Emily Parker
Joanne Richardson
All of the above can be contacted through the school offices on 01271 890440