Georgeham CofE Primary School

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Ventrus MAT


At Georgeham CofE Primary School, we understand the importance of developing children’s knowledge and understanding of the world’s diverse people, places, and environments. We build children's understanding of geography through well-sequenced, language-rich lessons taught in the classroom, outside in our school grounds, and within our local community. Enrichment opportunities are planned to develop children’s understanding of geography in real-life contexts. This year, the children have had the opportunity to explore their local area through various trips.

We use the Ventrus Geography Knowledge Entitlement (inspired by the Chris Quigley curriculum) and the Geographical Association to inform our planning and teaching of geography. Our curriculum consists of the study of the Earth itself (physical geography) and its people (human geography). The study of human geography builds tolerance and respect for people around the world, helping children understand the interconnected nature of our planet. Studying the physical geography of the planet helps children appreciate the wonder of our natural world and understand the environmental issues we now face.

Our geography curriculum is comprised of three key concepts:

  • Investigating places: Understanding the location and the physical and human features of various places, including their local area and around the world. Children learn about and compare where they live to life in different places globally, developing a deeper understanding and respect for diverse cultures.
  • Investigating patterns: Learning about natural processes, the relationships between people and the world’s physical features, the impacts of human activity, and the use and distribution of natural resources. These lessons help children understand the complex web of life on our planet and empower them to be caretakers of the environment.
  • Communicating geographically: Using maps, learning geographical vocabulary, and employing various data collection strategies to undertake their own investigations. These strategies encourage children to become critical thinkers and promote lifelong skills.

We are fortunate to work with the National Trust due to our beautiful geographical location, enhancing our students' learning experiences. Teachers use age-appropriate skills and knowledge progression documents to ensure that learning is progressive throughout the school. Children are taught to be inquisitive, explore, and investigate in all areas of geography. Teachers assess learning at the end of units to measure progress and attainment. Key geographical vocabulary is taught throughout the units to help children better understand geography. Children are taught map, compass, and grid work skills to deepen their learning experience.

A thorough foundation in geography helps the children at Georgeham CofE Primary School grow to be responsible global citizens who respect and care for the planet and the people around them. Through engagement with global issues, children can make choices that improve the world.

Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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