Design Technology
At Georgeham CofE Primary School, our Design and Technology (DT) curriculum is designed to inspire children to think innovatively and inquisitively. Following the Ventrus Knowledge Entitlements, our intent is to encourage children to become independent, creative problem solvers and thinkers, both as individuals and as part of a team—skills that are crucial to lifelong learning. We provide opportunities for children to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within various contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants, and values. Projects link, where appropriate, to other areas of the curriculum, encouraging connections to subjects such as mathematics, science, computing, and art. Children reflect upon and evaluate past and present technology and its usefulness, applying these skills beyond primary school.
Design Technology is taught termly through well-planned and resourced projects that allow children to use previously learned skills and build on them through new experiences. Through a variety of creative and practical activities, we teach the knowledge, understanding, and skills needed to engage in the process of being a designer and maker. Children are taught to show a clear process of research, design, make, and evaluate. We deliver a range of DT projects with a clear structure, challenging pupils at all levels. Children explore existing products, formulate opinions, and make design decisions for their own products. They design products with a purpose in mind and an intended user. New vocabulary is taught progressively.
Food technology is implemented across the school, helping children understand where food comes from, the importance of a varied and healthy diet, and how to prepare it. Sketchbooks contain experimentation, photographs, and reflections, showing ideas and development. Photographs of final pieces, larger group or 3D pieces are also kept in the sketchbooks. DT is assessed at the end of each unit. As a result of our curriculum design, children take risks, are reflective, innovative, enterprising, and resilient. Products become more complex throughout the school, demonstrating age-appropriate skills. Children can discuss the process of designing, making, and evaluating in all year groups. They reflect on the impact of DT on everyday life and the wider world, applying their skills to new ideas and safely undertaking projects involving design and technology to a high standard in their life beyond primary school.